
Showing posts from October, 2020

Summary Reader Response Draft 3

According to the webpage, (CCC)(2019), “Green technology makes buildings more energy-efficient and sustainable.” Low-energy houses, self-powered buildings and the use of smart appliances are contributing to achieve zero-energy levels in homes and buildings. The solar power in buildings reduces usage of electricity through absorption of sun’s radiation. In contrast, cool roofs and electrochromic smart glass block and reflect sunlight away. The use of biodegradable materials, green insulation, sustainable resource sourcing and rammed earth brick are about using materials in homes and buildings that are less harmful and damaging to the Earth’s environment. To effectively decrease water wastage, water efficiency technologies utilize the implementation of “efficient water supply systems”. Sustainable indoor environment technologies ensure that the well-being of ‘’building occupants’’ is taken care of.   I believe that implementing these sustainable technologies will help in eliminating the